Thursday, October 27, 2011

When it rains...

This past week has not been easy, just when you find a new normal, life throws a curve ball.  Without the help of awesome family and friends, we’d be in a world of hurt.  Thank you so much to everyone that has helped us this past week.

This past week, Kira’s throat has been causing her discomfort by closing up so much that it has been hard to swallow and sometimes even breathe.  Wednesday was her out-patient chemo and the docs decided to remove one of the chemo drugs to see if it was the cause.  We still need chemo as Kira’s mass needs to shrink by another 10% (minimum) to be in the clear, so not giving her a chemo drug is somewhat problematic.  

She was struggling even more today and became bedridden.  Linda took her in to Seattle Grace (I mean, Seattle Children’s) and along the way they had to meet up with an ambulance.  She got oxygen immediately and proceeded to the hospital.  They have admitted her for the night as they are not really sure what is causing the swelling in her throat. 

Last night, Linda had to rush Kelsey to the hospital as she got a concussion, and a heck of a shiner, from basketball practice.  Her coach was playing with the team and they both went up for a rebound.  She looks like a boxer now.  We tried to make her stay home from school today, but she was determined to go.  She’s a tough one. 

Lastly, our kitchen is torn up.  We decided to get a double oven and ripped out the old one just when the dishwasher decided to breakdown, and Kelsey went to the hospital.  We are extra thankful that meals are getting delivered!

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