Sunday, October 02, 2011

Another Strong Day!

As a Japanese name, Kira may be written with the character for “glitter; gleam; twinkle.”  "Kira kira" also means glittery, or shiny, in Japanese.  Today, our Kira was all of that!
I am thankful for another good day today.  Kira went back in for her planned blood draw and got a bag of IV fluids.  Upon return home, she expressed an interest to go on a ferry ride, or shopping at the mall, but we all knew that might be pushing it… so she carved a pumpkin.  I loved watching her carve her pumpkin today.  A strong, determined look in her eye as she wielded the knife in her hand.  I didn't fool her when I came into the room with a bloody hand and knife (we also enjoyed finding and putting up the Halloween decorations today).  She was alert and happy today, but tired out in the early evening.  She has bounced back so much faster than during the last chemo cycle.  Kira is strong!  Thank you for your continued prayers.  Thanks to Sue and Kirsten for helping out again with the horses.


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