Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day of Tests

Hi All,

We were at Children's today for routine tests to measure Kira's progress.  She had a PETscan, CT with contrast, pulmonary function tests, echo, ekg & of course ... labs (her least favorite)!!!  I believe that she is actually overcoming her fear of needles - way to go kid! 

When she was diagnosed with Hodgkins, her lung function was at 48% - today it was at 78%!!!!!  Her Eco & Ekg were normal (as expected).  We won't hear the results of the Pet & CT until we go in next Wednesday - we have an appointment to meet with her Oncologist for a detailed look at her progress at that point. 

She was pretty tired - especially after the pulmonary tests she had - it is clear that her breathing is still quite difficult - but all the news that we heard was very positive - GO KIRA!!!  After our meeting next Wednesday we will be sure to update the blog with all the details.

Switching gears, there was a story in the local news about Seattle Children's & the how the construction workers started spray painting patients names on the steel girders to raise the kids spirits.  Below is a link to the story - Jeff spoke of it in an earlier blog post.  Today we discovered that Kira's name made it up on the building!!!  Thanks to Greg - Kira's favorite crane operator (also my friend Deb's brother) for making that happen!!!!!  Below is a link to the original story & the pics of Kira's name!!!

Thank you for all of the prayers & support!  Our love to you all.  We are sending lots of love from Washington to Michigan this weekend to the Hanson-Sternfels families for a wonderful wedding!

Thank you so much to my brother Jim and Grace for the awesome dinner and for driving Ms. Meg.  Thank you to Jill and Peyten for the wonderful salmon dinner!!!  These dinners and kid taxi service are so helpful.

Thank you to my mom for coming over and staying with the kids!!!

Love, Linda

1 comment:

Aunt Kristie said...

Hi everyone, way cool to see Kira's name on the beam. way sad that she is sick. but I'm so thankful that her breathing is improving :) love to all from all of us in Austin, K