Thursday, October 06, 2011

A Good Week

Sorry for the black-out. 
With the help of awesome family and friends helping us out at every turn this week, we have been able to focus on taking care of Kira, going to Graham’s bball games, and SHOP for Kira’s birthday presents!!!  Thank you to so many folks!!!!  Peggy, George, Jim, Grace, Nancy, Murray, Amy, Chris, Julie, Julie, Sue, Susan, Kirsten, Wade, Anke, Megan, Lora, Brandon, Keegan, and Deshea - THANK YOU!
Linda and I were talking about this whole ordeal last weekend, still somewhat in disbelief.  We have remained strong and positive due to your prayers and the massive help that we have received from the above and many others during the previous weeks.  You have enabled us to maintain this strength and positivity.  Thank you!
Kira has maintained her rapid recovery this week with her wonderful smile.   She has rarely spent time in her bedroom, which is drastically different from the 1st cycle.  She had a planned out-patient chemo appointment yesterday which did knock her out for the day.  She has eaten and kept fluids in her much better than the last cycle. 
Kira goes in for a blood draw and test on Sunday.  Due to her strong state, they are actually thinking a quicker bounce up from the critical white blood count phase and quite possibly school next week!  Keep your fingers crossed!
Kira says hi to all and thank you!  OMG, she’s 17 tomorrow!


1 comment:

Becky Blackman said...

Hi Jeff! Saw your facebook post for this blog and took a read, I know how tough it is going through chemo, and I also know how tough it is watching your parents finding it so difficult but you seem to be doing a fantastic job! I'm not exaggerating when I say you're aiding Kira's recovery as its proven stress levels take a HUGE toll on health and you're being so wonderful to Kira! Good luck and all the very best and I hope the chemo destroys the mass and Kira can go back to being just your average 17 year old!