Tuesday, July 18, 2006

~ Flea

Dear World,

We’re here, we’re home! But do you know what’s really gross? When we went into our bedrooms, there were fleas jumping all over us! Gross! So we had to sleep in the RV again and we bombed the house so lots of the fleas died. We got our birds back when we came home and we got Edison back the second day we were home. And she literally had fleas dropping from her, and they were twitching because the vet put medicine on her that would kill the fleas.

My favorite parts of the trip were going horseback riding on my cousin, Jessie’s horses and white water rafting. My least favorite part of the trip was staying in the RV for eleven hours.
Well, it was a great trip and the ending didn’t make it bad, I’ll still remember the wonderful moments hours in the RV.

By world,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THOSE THINGS ARE SOO UUGGLLYY, THANK GOODNESS FOR FLEA SPRAY!! Makes me want to shoo the dog and cats out of the house : )