Monday, July 03, 2006

Sunday's Mission: Littleton
We spent Sunday making serious tracks through the state of Wyoming – our goal was to arrive at Deb and Ed’s in the evening (Jeff’s sister and brother-in-law). This would have us driving about 500 miles in 9 hours. While Wyoming rushed in with huge excitement a few days ago entering Yellowstone, it sure settled down into vast stretches of nothing. During our cross-state commute, we went hours without seeing a structure, prompting us to ask the question, “Who owns this vast land and what is it used for?”

Above is a screenshot of our minor detour (in blue) to provide a rest stop for driver and doggie. Traveling today is so different from 30 years ago when our parents ventured out on the open by-ways. We looked into getting wireless broadband for our travels and determined that it’s not worth the price yet for the coverage area provided out here in the west. However, from the Midwest and eastwards, it appears the wireless broadband coverage is omnipresent. This changes everything. The informed public is beginning to get concerned with Big Brother tracking your whereabouts through your GPS-enabled cellphone (Google on “cellphone tracking”). If you have a cellphone that was purchased in the last two years, you have a GPS-enabled cellphone to support 911 calls from your cellphone. Imagine the day when all cars are GPS-enabled by default. Now Big Brother knows how fast your drive. Consider crime solving in 10 years!

Another amazing advancement (?) from the days spent stuck in the rear seat of our parent’s car, fighting with our siblings as our skin becomes glued to the hot vinyl seats, is the ability to microwave hot dogs and serve them up without stopping the car. And the same goes for rollin’ rest stops – no need to stop! Dads all over would be so proud.

It appears that our colds are subsiding as we close in on Deb and Ed’s place. What’s worse than having your kid brother and his family arriving at your house late on a Sunday night? Arriving with the cold virus on-board. Sorry Deb and Ed!

Another day, another great adventure. Living life less ordinary.

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