Sunday, November 27, 2011

We Are Thankful!

Hi All,

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We had a nice, relaxing, uneventful dinner at our house.  It has been amazing to feel normalcy returning to our much as you can expect with 4 kids!  Relaxing at dinner & afterwards with family was great - we even had a special guest from Michigan here - our niece Sara... made it even more special.  The highlight of the night?  Definitely had to be Kira & Kelsey dancing after dinner ... brought tears to everyone's eyes.

Kira is doing very well.  She spent some time with her horse yesterday - took her for a hand walk on the trails and spent a while just grooming her.  She is so relieved to be done with chemo - but she is very tired.  After doing some reading, talking with the doctor and hearing from other survivors, this is to be expected for about a year.  We will continue to take it one day at a time - something we have finally accepted. 

Today is another day of tests for Kira...this is a big one.  Tuesday we will follow-up with Kira's Oncologist to find out if radiation is needed - please keep her in your prayers.  They need to see atleast an 80% reduction in order for no radiation to be needed.  We will update the blog as soon as we have any new information.

I can't believe the Holiday Season is upon us.  This is the time of year that we give thanks to those who are special in our lives.  Our list is pretty long this year!  We are so blessed to be supported by such a loving family & community.  My mom wrote to the local paper to express her gratitude.  The article below was in yesterday's Seattle Times. 

Thank you all so much for the support & love you have shown our family!  Much love, Linda

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