Sunday, November 20, 2011


Hi folks.  We have sure learned a lot during the past 3 months.  One of the lessons is that the Day 8 out-patient chemo treatment is very tough to deal with.  It’s a double dose of her Day 1 chemo meds and it gets you when you are just starting to recover from the Day 1, 2, 3 hit.  The Day 8 chemo treatments have been harder on her than the hospital stays.

Kira is starting to feel better and was up and talking last night.  She’s also dealing with an overall low of going through 4 chemo treatments.  She has been extremely fatigued this past week and even blacked out, which led her to getting a blood transfusion on Friday.  Her platelet counts are also too low, so she will get a platelet transfusion this morning.  Platelets allow the blood to clot. She’s also in her expected low for white blood counts, but will exit this period just before Thanksgiving.  While it has been very challenging to see her go through all of this, and we pray that her body continues to respond well, we are so very thankful to our friends and family.  This past week especially, as we’ve had other excitement to contend with.  To have a meal delivered rebuilds us each day.  It relieves a daily stress point, provides nourishment to our family, and reminds us that our community is very supportive and loving.  We have witnessed the true meaning of Thanksgiving.

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