Friday, September 30, 2011

Mary Jane Visits Kira

Who’d a thought, Children’s Hospital prescribing pot?  Yep.  Works too!
I had the pleasure of being with Kira all day while Linda took a break.  It’s funny; we switch out shortly after the nurses do their shift change out.  Kira slept most of the day and didn’t eat a thing, but she did drink lots of Gatorade and water which was excellent.  During the first treatment cycle 3 weeks ago, we got behind the 8-ball on the whole nausea thing, which in turn, led to a hard week at home afterwards.  The docs tend to give you just enough medicine as you need, but at the same time, they know they need to over-medicate on the anti-nausea meds during chemo.  If you get behind, I guess it’s nearly impossible to get rid of the nausea until the chemo exits your system.  We are learning so much. 
So… we were introduced to pot.  Actually, it’s “Marinol.” Check out this Government website on the drug:  “Side effects include memory loss, hallucinations, strange or unusual thoughts, and inappropriate happiness.”  Sign me up!  The good news is that Kira was much better today, still out of it, but didn’t throw-up and had a stronger desire to drink fluids.
This article was front page in the Seattle Times today and a news station was in the next room interviewing a patient today.  It was so cool to see the kids excited.  One person can truly make a difference!

Thank you to Nancy (lunch), Mary (horses), Miss Amanda and Craig (dinner) for helping us out today!!!


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